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Real Estate Glossary

What is Rate-Improvement Mortgage?

Rate-improvement is a term used in real estate finance to refer to a reduction in the interest rate on a mortgage loan.

This reduction can be achieved through various means, such as refinancing, negotiating with the lender, or by taking advantage of market conditions. The goal of rate improvement is to lower the monthly payment on the loan and reduce the overall cost of the mortgage.

For example, if a borrower originally obtained a mortgage with an interest rate of 4%, but the market interest rate drops to 3.5%, they may choose to refinance their mortgage to take advantage of the lower rate. This would result in a rate improvement, reducing their monthly payment and overall loan cost.

Rate improvement can also be achieved through negotiation with the lender. Borrowers may be able to negotiate a lower interest rate if they have a strong credit score or if they are willing to extend the length of their loan.

In summary, rate improvement is a strategy used by real estate investors and homeowners to lower the cost of their mortgage by reducing the interest rate. This can be achieved through refinancing, negotiation with the lender, or taking advantage of market conditions.